I love the way the laws of the Universe work because they are true, indeed. You’ve heard the phrases before: Pay it forward, Give in order to receive, Extend a kindness and one will be done unto you. Yes, yes, yes – they are indeed the truth!

The converse is also true, however. If you are selfish, unkind and/or unpleasant to others, then you can bet you will be on the receiving end of that type of treatment. For purposes of this blog entry however, I’d like to focus on the positive because both random and deliberate acts of kindness result in such positive energy that it makes for a win/win/win situation all the way around.

A couple of days ago I met a lovely young woman who was new to Houston. During our conversation, she shared with me how lucky she felt to be working for the woman who is her boss. She said that her boss has been very, very helpful to her in the few weeks she’s been here and that she is really grateful to be working for this lady. I felt compelled to share that wonderful and sincere message to her boss, a woman who I only know casually from a women’s organization to which I belong. So I sent an email to this lady to convey what I’d been told by her new employee. A short while later, I received a note back from “the boss” telling me how I had made her day by sharing with her the kind words spoken by her new employee. This manager told me that when she had bosses that were really helpful to her, she called them her guardian angels. She followed that up with another truth – often times we don’t realize what a difference we can make in someone’s life (hugely positive OR negative). So why not make it a positive impact and see how the gift keeps on giving…..it certainly made my day just knowing that I had made hers.

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